Saturday, June 13, 2009


It took, what seems like, forever. But the blessed day finally arrived. Brent is done!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tosha's Prom Night

Our baby is 16 (almost 17) and is sure looking grown up! Here she is with her prom date just before they left for the evening. Isn't she beautiful?? We think so! (Click on the photos to see a bigger version.) We are so thankful to everyone who helped Tosha get ready for her big evening. It was worth it and she had a fun and memorable evening.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


This ship we sailed on, FREEDOM OF THE SEAS, was so Cool!! It has a Flowrider. It was so fun to watch people try to surf. Guess who this was . . . .

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Alexis, Josh, Megan, and Bryson Come to Visit!!

BETTER LATE THAN NEVER! These are pictures taken when the Kellys came to visit in February. We had a blast with them. We don't see the Kellys very often, so it's fun to get together with them whenever there's a chance. It's actually less expensive to have them come here than have the Nordgrens and the Moons fly there.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Alexis, Megan, and Bryson Come to Visit!!

Alexis, Megan, and Bryson came to visit us early in December from Kentucky. Jessie threw a birthday party for Kylie (Dec 5) and Bryson (Dec 17) and invited lots of people with tons of goodies, decorations, and gifts. It was fun having Alexis and her kids visit us. We don't see them very often. We had everyone together with us for a few days except Josh and BJ (and Steve had to fly out early).

Saturday, November 24, 2007